Zen-Inspired Matcha Bliss Bowl

Matcha Bliss Bowl by Chef Miko

Zen-Inspired Matcha Bliss Bowl

Konnichiwa! To all the aspiring chefs and food lovers. Embark on a culinary journey that transcends the ordinary with this Zen-Inspired Matcha Bliss Bowl. Immerse yourself in the vibrant green hues and delicate aroma of matcha, as this quick and simple recipe brings together the ancient tradition of Japanese tea and the modern love for wholesome, invigorating bowls. So grab your Toques, tie your aprons and let's get cooking.

  • 1               Frozen Banana
  • 1 cup       Frozen Mixed Berries
  • 1 tbsp      Matcha Powder
  • 1/2 cup    Almond Milk
  • Toppings of your choice.

  1. In a blender, combine the frozen banana, mixed berries, matcha powder, and almond milk. Blend until smooth and creamy, ensuring the matcha is evenly incorporated.
  2. Pour the vibrant green mixture into a bowl, creating a smooth canvas for your toppings.
  3. Sprinkle with crunchy granola, nutrient-packed chia seeds, and artfully arranged sliced strawberries.

Blend It,
Sprinkle It,
Ice It.

Chef's Remarks: Savor the serenity of each spoonful as you embark on a journey of taste and tranquility. This Matcha Bliss Bowl is not just a meal; it's a mindful celebration of the senses.
