Easy 3 Ingredient Icecream

Chef Mikoto's 3 Ingredient Icecream Recipe

Easy 3 Ingredients

Konnichiwa! To all aspiring chefs and food lovers. Chef Miki is back with a delicious summer dessert. Grab your Toque and apron. Let's meet in the kitchen.


Condensed Milk                1.75 cups
Heavy Whipping Cream        2 cups
Vanilla Extract                  1 tsp
Toppings (optional)


  1. In a large bowl add heavy whipping cream and use a hand mixer to form stiff peaks.
  2. Now add condensed milk and vanilla extract and mix till well combined.
  3. Pour the mixture into a 6-inch moulding tray and cover it.
  4. Put it in the freezer for 8 hrs.
  5. After that put a few scoops on a plate and top it with banana slices, cherries, and wafers.

Plate it,
Top it,
 Enjoy it.

What's your favourite Ice-cream flavour?
