Garden Delights on a Plate: Veggie Loaded Fries

Veggie loaded fries by Chef Miko

Garden Delights on a Plate: Veggie Loaded Fries

Konnichiwa! To all the aspiring chefs and food lovers. Step into a world of vibrant flavors and wholesome goodness with our Veggie Loaded Fries. This exciting creation reimagines the classic French fry by transforming it into a colorful canvas of fresh, sautéed vegetables, creamy feta cheese, and tangy tzatziki sauce. Whether you're a devoted vegetarian, a veggie enthusiast, or just seeking a delightful and healthy snack, these Veggie Loaded Fries are a taste sensation that'll have you coming back for more. Get ready to embark on a journey that combines the indulgence of fries with the goodness of vegetables, all in one unforgettable dish! Grab your Toques and let's get cooking.


  • 1 pack            Frozen French Fries
  • 2 tbsp            Olive Oil
  • 1/2 cup          Crumbled Feta Cheese
  • 1 cup             Cherry Tomatoes
  • 1 sliced          Zucchini
  • 1 sliced          Red Onion
  • 1 sliced          Bell Pepper
  • 1 cup              Tzatziki sauce
  • To garnish      Fresh Parsley
  • To Taste         Salt & Black Pepper


1. Bake the Fries:
Preheat your oven to the temperature recommended on the package of frozen French fries. Spread the fries on a baking sheet and bake them according to the package instructions until they're crispy and golden.
2. Sauté the Vegetables:
While the fries are baking, heat the olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add the bell pepper, red onion, zucchini, yellow squash, and cherry tomatoes to the skillet. Sauté the vegetables until they're tender and slightly caramelized. Season with a pinch of salt and black pepper.
3. Assemble the Veggie Loaded Fries & Add Feta Cheese:
Once the fries are ready, transfer them to a serving platter. Pile the sautéed vegetables on top of the hot fries. Sprinkle the crumbled feta cheese generously over the warm vegetables.
4. Drizzle with Tzatziki Sauce & Garnish:
Drizzle the tzatziki sauce over the entire dish, adding a refreshing and tangy element. Finish with a sprinkle of freshly chopped parsley for a burst of freshness and color.

Bake it,
Season it,
Enjoy it.

Chef Remarks: These Veggie Loaded Fries are a celebration of fresh, sautéed vegetables that take your taste buds on a thrilling journey. The combination of tender veggies, creamy feta, and zesty tzatziki sauce on a bed of crispy fries offers a satisfying and healthy alternative that's bursting with flavor. So, indulge in this exceptional creation and savor every bite of these Veggie Loaded Fries!

