Timeless Indulgence: Authentic Traditional Baklava Recipe

Traditional Baklava Recipe by Chef Mikoto

Timeless Indulgence: Authentic Traditional Baklava Recipe

Konnichiwa! To all aspiring chefs and food lovers. Today's menu is the traditional middle east . So grapes your Toques and let's get cooking.


Traditional baklava is a delectable dessert with its origins deeply rooted in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine. This delicacy consists of layers of thin, flaky phyllo dough that encase a generous filling of finely chopped nuts, often including walnuts, pistachios, or a combination of both. The nut mixture is seasoned with warm spices like cinnamon and sometimes cloves, imparting a rich and aromatic flavor.

Crafting baklava involves an intricate layering process, where buttered sheets of phyllo dough are alternated with the nut mixture. The result is a multi-layered pastry that bakes to a golden-brown hue, boasting a splendidly crisp texture that contrasts the tender nut filling.

Once the baklava emerges from the oven, it undergoes a transformation as it is drenched in a fragrant syrup. This syrup, made from a harmonious blend of water, granulated sugar, honey, a cinnamon stick, vanilla extract, and a touch of lemon juice, is poured over the freshly baked baklava while still warm. As the pastry cools, it absorbs this luscious syrup, adding moisture, sweetness, and a captivating complexity of flavors to every bite.

The result is an enchanting dessert that captures the essence of tradition and craftsmanship. With its intricate layers, sumptuous nutty filling, and the delicate balance of textures and flavors, traditional baklava stands as a testament to the culinary artistry that has been passed down through generations, inviting all who partake to savor the timeless beauty of this classic treat.


For the Filling:
  • Chopped Nuts        2 cups
  • Ground Cloves       1/2 tsp
  • Ground Cinnamon  1 tsp
  • Granulated Sugar    1/2 cup

For Assembling:
  • Phyllo Dough          1 pack
  • Melted Butter          1 cup

For the Syrup:
  • Granulated Sugar    1 cup
  • Water                        1 cup
  • Honey                       1/2 cup
  • Vanilla Extract         1 tsp
  • Lemon Juice           1 tsp
  • Cinnamon Stick      1


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).
  2. In a bowl, mix together the finely chopped nuts, ground cinnamon, ground cloves (if using), and granulated sugar. Set aside.
  3. Brush a baking dish with melted butter.
  4. Unroll the phyllo dough and cover it with a damp cloth to prevent it from drying out.
  5. Place one sheet of phyllo dough in the baking dish and brush it with melted butter. Repeat this step, layering about 5-6 sheets of phyllo dough, brushing each with butter.
  6. Sprinkle a layer of the nut mixture over the phyllo layers.
  7. Continue layering phyllo sheets, brushing each with butter, and adding more nut mixture every few layers. Aim for about 4-5 layers of nuts in total.
  8. Finish with another 5-6 layers of phyllo dough, brushing each with butter.
  9. Using a sharp knife, carefully cut the baklava into diamond or square shapes.
  10. Bake in the preheated oven for about 30-35 minutes, or until the baklava is golden brown and crisp.
  11. While the baklava is baking, prepare the syrup. In a saucepan, combine water, granulated sugar, honey, cinnamon stick, vanilla extract, and lemon juice. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and let it simmer for about 10-15 minutes until it slightly thickens.
  12. Once the baklava is done baking, remove it from the oven and immediately pour the hot syrup over it. Make sure to pour the syrup evenly over the entire surface.
  13. Allow the baklava to cool completely and soak up the syrup for a few hours or overnight before serving.

Cool it,
Cut it,
Enjoy it.
