Pan-Baked Banana Bread: A Quick and Easy Recipe for Delicious Homemade Treats

Banana-Bread in a Pan by Chef Miko

Pan-Baked Banana Bread: A Quick and Easy Recipe for Delicious Homemade Treats

Konnichiwa! To all the readers, food lovers and aspiring chefs. Are you craving the comforting goodness of banana bread but don't have access to an oven? No worries!

In this article I will present to you an easy and efficient method to make banana bread right on your stovetop using a pan. Whether you're in a dorm room, camping, or simply prefer a stove-based approach, this recipe will guide you step-by-step to create a moist and delightful banana bread that will satisfy your cravings.

Get ready to embark on a stovetop baking adventure and enjoy the delicious rewards! So, tie your aprons and let's begin.


  • Ripe Bananas             3 mashed
  • All-Purpose Flour      1 1/2 cups
  • Granulated Sugar       1/2 cup
  • Vegetable Oil              1/4 cup
  • Baking Soda               1/2 Tsp
  • Baking Powder           1 Tsp
  • Vanilla Extract            1 Tsp


  1. Start by placing a non-stick skillet or frying pan on the stovetop over medium heat. Ensure the pan has a lid that fits securely.
  2. In a mixing bowl, combine the mashed bananas, granulated sugar, vegetable oil, and vanilla extract. Mix till the ingredients are fully incorporated.
  3. In a separate bowl, whisk together the all-purpose flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
  4. Gradually add the dry mixture to the banana mixture, stirring until just combined. Avoid overmixing, as it can result in a denser bread.
  5. If desired, fold in your choice of chopped nuts, chocolate chips, or dried fruits to add extra flavor and texture to your banana bread.
  6. Grease the skillet or frying pan with a little vegetable oil or cooking spray to prevent sticking.
  7. Transfer the banana bread batter to the greased pan, spreading it out evenly.
  8. Cover the pan with the lid and let the bread cook over medium-low heat for approximately 30-35 minutes. Cooking times may vary, so keep a close eye on it.
  9. To test if the bread is done, insert a toothpick into the center. If it comes out clean or with a few crumbs, the bread is ready.
  10. Once cooked, carefully remove the pan from the heat and allow it to cool slightly before slicing.

Optional Tip: Now that your pan-baked banana bread is ready, it's time to indulge in its warm, homemade goodness. Serve it as is or add a touch of sweetness with a dollop of butter, a drizzle of honey, or a sprinkle of powdered sugar. This delightful treat is perfect for breakfast, an afternoon snack, or a delightful dessert.

Chef Remarks: With this stovetop banana bread recipe, you can enjoy the scrumptious taste of homemade banana bread without needing an oven. Whether you're in a pinch or simply prefer the stovetop method, this pan-baked banana bread delivers on flavor and convenience.

Embrace the versatility of this recipe and create a mouthwatering treat wherever you are. So, grab a pan, gather your ingredients, and embark on a delightful baking adventure that will leave you with a pan full of heavenly banana bread. Happy stovetop baking!

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Do you know banana is rich in which vitamin?

