Easy 5 Ingredients Yogurt Breakfast Bars

Chef Mikoto's Yogurt Breakfast Bars Recipe

 Easy 5 Ingredients 

Yogurt Breakfast Bars

Konnichiwa! To all aspiring chefs and food lovers. Chef Miko is back with a tasty & healthy breakfast bar recipe. So grab your Toques and let's head to the kitchen.


Greek yogurt                     4 cups
Walnuts                           1 cup
Strawberries                     2 cups
Blueberries                      1.5 cups
Chocolate chips                   1 cup


  1. Wash the berries and chop the blueberries into small pieces (preffered) but you can also chop them into large pieces, you can choose according to your preference. And thinly slice the strawberries.
  2. Take the walnuts and coarsely crush them.
  3. Now take a large bowl and add yogurt to it.
  4. After that add your chopped berries, chocolate chips and walnuts.
  5. Mix all the ingredients by gentle folding technique.
  6. Now take a 16-inch baking tray and line it with parchment paper.
  7. Pour the mixture into the parchment-lined baking tray.
  8. Pop it into the fridge and chill it for 6-7 hours.
  9. Once chilled take it out and cut it into rectangles. (If you feel difficulty in cutting lightly warm the knife)

Chill it,
Serve it,
Enjoy it.

Do you prefer your yogurt flavoured or unflavoured?
