Easy 3 Ingredients kulfi Ice-Cream from South-East

Chef Miko's Kulfi Icecream Recipe

Easy 3 Ingredients Kulfi Icecream from South-East

Konnichiwa! To all aspiring chefs and food lovers. Chef Mikoto brings to you another popular ice cream recipe from the Southeast region. So put on your aprons, grab your Toques and let's head to the kitchen.


Milk                          1 litre
Sugar                       1/4 cup
Chopped Nuts              1/4 cup


  1. Put the milk in a saucepan and bring it to a boil while continuously stirring.
  2. Continue boiling & stirring while continuously scraping down the sides till the milk is reduced to 1/3rd of its original volume. You will notice a change in texture and color.
  3. Now add sugar into the milk and mix.
  4. Now turn off the stove lightly cool the mixture and add half of the chopped pistachios and almonds into it.
  5. Mix the chopped nuts in the mixture before pouring them into cone molds.
  6. Cover the cone molds with aluminium foil and stick an ice cream stick into it.
  7. Freeze it overnight for best results but 6-8 hours should be enough.
  8. Take it out. Garnish it with chopped almonds and pistachios.

Chill it,
Enjoy it,
Savour it.

Have you ever tried Kulfi Icecream before?
