Easy 2 Ingredients Delish Chocolate Fudge

Chef Mikoto's 2 Ingredients Chocolate Fudge Recipe

Easy 2 Ingredients Delish Chocolate Fudge

Hi! To all the Aspiring Chefs & Food-Lovers. Chef Mikoto is back with another delicious dessert recipe to satiate your sweet tooth. So grab your Toques and aprons and let's head to the kitchen.


Dark Chocolate            2 bars (500 g)
Sweet. Condensed Milk    700 ml


  1. Take the dark chocolate bars and put them in a zip lock back. Crush them with a rolling pin coarsely.
  2. Take a 15-inch mold and spray some cooking oil into it and line it with parchment paper.
  3. Put the coarsely crushed dark chocolate into a saucepan and add about 700 ml of condensed milk to it.
  4. Mix it and head over to the stove. On low flame mix the ingredients till the texture becomes smooth.
  5. Turn off the stove. Pour the mixture into the molding tray.
  6. Tap it gently against the kitchen island to smooth it out.
  7. Refrigerate it for 4-6 hours.
  8. After that take it out and cut it into small square shapes.

Chill it,
Serve it,
Enjoy it.

Do you love chocolate fudge?
